As soon as I made the choice to go natural I found myself on Pinterest pinning all of the amazing gorgeous curls I could find. But who am I kidding..
This ain’t happening
Neither is this
And this definitely isn’t in my cards
Here are a few things to keep in mind when setting hair length goals.
Know your growth rate – all hair does not grow at the same speed. 6 inches a year is a commonly agreed average, but for many it can be slower.
You have to take a baby step back to move forward- now I’m not talking the big chop for everybody, but trims are a must! For a while I avoided getting haircuts with the hopes that my hair would continue to grow. Well it did, but it also broke off because of all of those split ends hanging around.
Stop comparing your hair to others’!! This was a hard realization for me, but realizing that curly hair is so unique and growth thresholds are different for us all, enables us to make better hair goals.
xoxo jackie