I think all my curly girls will agree, wash day is never fun, but a few weeks ago I was especially dreading it because my hair had been so dry and my ends were easily tangling. Since going natural I have a better understanding of how my hair looks and feels when it is properly moisturized, I am feeling just how dry it is as we get into winter. Following that wash, I decided I needed to winterize my daily and weekly routines to keep my hair healthy, moisturized and curls poppin.
To do this, I’d wanted to incorporate a new masque into my rotation. After seeing a few glowing reviews for the Mongongo and Hemp Seed Oil Masque by SheaMoisture, and finally seeing it in store, I took advantage of a buy one get one 50% off deal at Walgreens. I also stocked up on an old faithful of mine, SheaMoisture’s Yuca and Plantain Conditioner

I try to always adhere to the L.C.O. Method – Liquid, Cream, Oil, and have put a stronger focus on consistency. I also added more moisture into the rotation, using my new masque, and the results have been so good. After a couple times using the masque, my hair has improved back to the state that it was over the summer months. I say it’s both the masque and getting more consistent with my hair care routine, I can really see the difference.
“Wash” Day 2x a week. I wash my hair twice a week sans shampoo. My hair is on the thin side and need to be resaturated with water every couple days for my curls to pop.
Here’s my routine:
1 hour prior to my shower, I apply a generous amount of hair masque. my new Mongongo mask has been so great.
In the shower, I finger detangle and rinse out the masque.
I then use a generous pump of conditioner for good measure and let that sit while I do the rest of my shower ‘tings.
I rinse out the conditioner in cooler water, leaving a tiny bit in my hair.
I squeeze excess water out of hair and blot my hair in a clean tee shirt.
Depending on the time I have available I will allow my hair to air dry (preferred) If not I’ll diffuse my hair.
Halfway dry I apply a pump of conditioner and follow it with a teaspoon of coconut oil.
Finish drying. Fluff. & good to go!
Following this method will keep my hair hydrated for a couple days, then it’s time to repeat. There’s no perfect method, and mine took a lot of trial and error to find a method that keeps my hair hydrated and looking good.
xoxo jackie