Hey, ya’ll! This is a super exciting post for me, as it’s the first one that’s highlighting the design of my new apartment! That’s right, I’m in a new …
Ikea Ivar Leaning Ladder Hack
I love reimaging pieces of furniture into new uses. So, when I reconfigured and downsized my Ikea Ivar storage shelf, you bet I was thrilled to have a …
$10 Hack to Save Your Pilling Sofa
This post contains affiliate links, your clicks keep me posting! My opinions and discovery are my own, I was not sponsored for this post. I saved …
Making space for space -transitioning to minimalism
The more I organize, eliminate, donate, and toss - the more I appreciate the space these items occupied. For the last 10 years, I’ve been on …
Fresh daisies at home
While I’ve never been a huge fan of fresh cut flowers in my home as I prefer caring for living plants, every now and then, I get the urge for flowers. …
The Eco-Friendly Commuter
Ahh, the conveniences of city living, where just about anything you need is an arm’s reach. All of the luxuries of living or commuting to a city, like …
How I personalized my space with DIY throw pillows
Who else lives on their sofa? I know I’m not alone when I say our sofa is the heart of our apartment. From eating a quick meal to reading or browsing …
5 trends in interior design I’m loving spring 2019
Trends aren’t everything when it comes to interiors, but it can be fun to incorporate a few trend-inspired pieces, here and there. By updating a piece …
Gym at Lunch – 5 reasons to give it a try
Getting back into the habit of going to the gym can be challenging, I know from firsthand experience. There will be weeks or months when I’m dedicated …
How to create a cozy apartment – designing for comfort and style
When I moved into my apartment, one of the most important aspects of design to me was that it’d be a homey, cozy space. I know this is an intangible …
5 Ways to Start Reducing Waste Today!
Zero waste, low waste, and eco-friendly living is becoming super trendy these days, but unlike most trends, this is one I encourage everybody to …
2019 Clothing Challenge
Happy new year!! I love this time of year and all of the retrospection and reflection that it brings. This year, I’m going a step further than a …
New Bedroom Plants
I recently picked up a few new plants for my apartment! After about a year in an apartment without any outdoor space, I needed to bring nature in. …
Repotting Plant Babies – Tips for successful transfer
A few months since last buying any plants for the home, I started to get the itch to add a couple to the family. It was a little rocky when we first …